Lil’ Odeezie

June 5, 2008

Bear with me. I have a full time job. Updating the blog while I know has been sporadic at best, is really all I can do. And since I’m not trying to be BlogTo, I really could care less if this is old news. As a pre-cursor to our Momofuku Ssam dinner, a couple of friends and myself decided to chow down on some authentic Russian cuisine in Brighton Beach also known as Little Odessa. I’m not sure what ‘Odessa’ refers to, but coupled with my recent infatuation with GTA4 and prediliction for Russian prison tattoos, I had a boner as soon as we got off the train.

Thanks to Mike and Kate for being great hosts.

Also, thanks to the kid who pointed at me and commented “Have you ever seen chinese people like that???? Look at their eyes!!!”. Awesome.

CB and myself. My A-Alike. No homo.

Beef tongue. Yum. Not quite as tasty as pork head though.

They are like perogies. Except they swim in butter.

Russian poutine.

We walked to Coney Island later. Their Polar Express has a mural of Tupac and Biggie and the DJ sounds like he should be spinning a mix show on Hot 97. Everyone was amped. Girls were hollering. Thugs were throwing up sets. One dude even took off his shirt during the fast cycle of the ride, and started waving it around in the air. Yup, BK is in the house.

Photos courtesy of Alam.